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Archive for the 'Errors/Fixes' Category

iPBfree Modifications Forum Temporarily down. [RESOLVED]

Posted by Windwalker on December 8th, 2008

The iPBfree Modifications Forum is currently down. Please bear with us as we work to resolve the issue. We will remove this announcement when the problem is resolved.
Also you may check the Blog for updates.
Edit: The Forum is back online now

Current Errors in the ACP [RESOLVED]

Posted by Windwalker on November 19th, 2008

We are aware of the current Errors regarding the ACP. Please bear with us as we work on correcting this issue. We will post here when the issue is resolved or have more information. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Edit: The ACP Errors should be resolved now. Thank you very much for your patience.

Arcade Scores [RESOLVED]

Posted by Tom on October 12th, 2008

Edit: This appears to have been resolved.
Original post:

Creating a Poll Bug [RESOLVED]

Posted by Reece on August 5th, 2007

There is a bug when creating a Poll. You will get a message saying A Poll is a choice, 1 entry is not a choice. Even though you have put more than 1 entry. This is a bug occuring from the Patch installed yesterday and is known by staff and will be fixed as [...]

Malware in Ads [RESOLVED]

Posted by Garrett on July 13th, 2007

As you may or may not know, we’ve been having some problems with advertisements on our hosted boards. It appears that some harmful ads are making their way onto iPBFree Forums, and are attempting to install malware onto users’ machines in the form of programs such as “ErrorProtector” and “SpyFalcon”, without the ads even being [...]

Patch Release

Posted by borg on July 6th, 2007

Here is the list of changes that will release late today or tomorrow for some of you. The bold text could present issues to your forum. The Italic text are features already released.
——————-iPBFree Patch————————
[NEW] Create New/Blank CSS/Stylesheets[NEW] Create New/Blank Wrapper[NEW] Create New/Blank Image/Macro Sets[NEW] Create New/Blank Skin Sets
[NEW] Restore Macro Set Function
[NEW] Relative Dates [...]

Update on various things

Posted by Blood on June 23rd, 2007

As you may have noticed, there has been a serious lack of blogging and some inactivity on the support forums (although your questions will be answered just as fast), and Source isn’t doing the best… So we’re considering some options, yet again, to make your experience better, and we’ve got some solid plans down.
As for [...]

Source Offline [Resolved]

Posted by Garrett on May 24th, 2007

After talking with Vipul, it seems there was a network card failure where the Source is hosted. It is apparently being worked on, however, there is no ETA. All I know for sure is what Vipul said, and that is simply that it is being worked on.
Edit: This issue was resolved a few hours ago. [...]

More things coming!

Posted by Blood on May 19th, 2007

In addition to the awesome skin(s) we have coming out soon, there are some more features, as well as more service additions to make your experience way better.
What are these service additions? Well, I’ll leave you on your own to speculate, but thus far I’m heading one, and I’m pretty psyched because it looks to [...]

New Skin Preview!

Posted by Blood on May 15th, 2007

As of May, 14th 2007, there is a new skin in the works that is about to be applied as the default to all iPBFree boards. You can see a preview of said skin at the following URL.
You may not use this skin on any board other than an iPBFree board, and I would advise [...]