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Archive for July, 2007

News On Source

Posted by ash234 on July 22nd, 2007

Source is doing great. New staff has been added such as
DizzyEgg05 - Public relations team.
A long deserved promotion if you asked me. Dizzy keeps the community alive and keeps it fun. He has the record for starting the most seen topics on source.
Person- Skin team
Person is a great skinner and has contributed a lot of [...]

Malware in Ads [RESOLVED]

Posted by Garrett on July 13th, 2007

As you may or may not know, we’ve been having some problems with advertisements on our hosted boards. It appears that some harmful ads are making their way onto iPBFree Forums, and are attempting to install malware onto users’ machines in the form of programs such as “ErrorProtector” and “SpyFalcon”, without the ads even being [...]


Posted by Blood on July 10th, 2007

I’ve been doing some work on the secret project recently… it’s been delayed a bit yet again because we’ve planned to roll it out along with something else… Gotta stop all those red links though… Eh, ignore that! Anyway, just wanted to give you guys an update on it. But I’m still not revealing what [...]

Patch Release

Posted by borg on July 6th, 2007

Here is the list of changes that will release late today or tomorrow for some of you. The bold text could present issues to your forum. The Italic text are features already released.
——————-iPBFree Patch————————
[NEW] Create New/Blank CSS/Stylesheets[NEW] Create New/Blank Wrapper[NEW] Create New/Blank Image/Macro Sets[NEW] Create New/Blank Skin Sets
[NEW] Restore Macro Set Function
[NEW] Relative Dates [...]